
Black Canary
Black Canary


Black Canary

Black Canary vs Batman Lista de filme

1 lista de filme
1.1 filme
1.1.1 Primul film
Not Yet Appeared
Batman (1966)
2.1.2 filme viitoare
Not yet announced
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), Justice league: part one (2017), Justice league: part two (2019)
2.1.4 filme celebre
Not yet announced
Batman (1989), Batman Begins (2005), Batman Returns (1992), The dark knight (2008)
2.2.2 alte filme
Not yet announced
Batman Forever (1995), Batman: the movie (1967)
2.3 caractere media
2.4 filme animate
2.4.1 Primul film de animație
Batgirl: Year One (2009)
Batman (1943)
2.4.3 filme animate viitoare
Not yet announced
Justice league: throne of atlantis (2015), The batman part I (2017), The lego batman movie (2017)
2.5.2 filme animate celebri
DC Showcase: Green Arrow (2010), Justice league: crisis on two earths (2010)
Batman: gotham knight (2008), Batman: mask of the phantasm (1993), Batman: return of the joker (2000), Batman: year one (2011)
2.5.4 alte filme animate
DC Showcase Original Shorts Collection (2010), DC Showcase: Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam(2010)
Batman beyond (2014), Batman vs dracula (2005), Justice league: the flashpoint paradox (2013), Justice league: war (2014), Son of batman (2014), The lego movie (2014)